Healthy Lifestyle

get immediate constipation relief

How To Get Immediate Constipation Relief

Tens of millions of people suffer from constipation more than 3 times a week. In fact, there are tons of people out there that can go up to a week without going! You shouldn’t have to suffer through that. Pooping is a natural process that should happen effortlessly 2-3 times per day if you are healthy and eat the foods that your body was genetically designed to eat.

crazy ads on TV

Are The Food Ads on TV examples of False Advertising?

You may be wondering the same thing: what’s up with all the ads claiming things that are not really true. Ads about juices that are 100% fruit juice and yogurts that will help you poop better and cereals that will help you lose weight and all kinds of other “foods” that are (supposedly) great for you and will make you smart, popular, healthy and successful.

benefits of hemp

The Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is an ancient plant that has many industrial uses, for clothing, to accessories and even furniture making. It has been in use for hundreds of years in places like Japan, India and the middle east.
But you can also obtain many health benefits from it by adding the seeds to your diet.

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