
moxibustion moxabustion for injury healing

Moxibustion for Injury Healing

I had abdominal surgery a few weeks ago to remove benign (but pesky) tumors in my uterus (also known as fibroids). I’ve been using a few alternative treatments to help me recover faster and more effectively. Using a moxa stick or moxibustion is one of the ways I’m managing pain and reduce inflammation associated with major surgery.

quinoa's dirty little secret

Quinoa’s Dirty Little Secret

The price of quinoa has tripled since 2006, making it almost impossible for the people of the Andes, the original consumers of quinoa, to afford it any more! If you’re a vegan or vegetarian or someone who is just trying to eat a little more consciously, you probably consume quinoa fairly often. You probably consider things like sustainability, water and energy footprint and in general are aware of the effect your choices make on the lives of thousands around the world.

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